2017 Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment: Cost Saving Initiatives and Other Resources

Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment: Data Collection Pilot

The MSBA developed the 2017 Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment (FF&E) Data Collection Spreadsheet to pilot an initiative that provides MSBA stakeholders with a better understanding of the cost and types of furniture products that are being purchased to outfit recently completed MSBA Core schools.

Our goal is to improve transparency but not impose additional burdensome requirements on districts.  Most stakeholders indicated a willingness to complete the spreadsheet on a voluntary basis. As such, in 2017, the consultants from 6 schools completed the spreadsheets, which are available on this web page.

* Please note, the 2017 FF&E Data Collection Pilot was created with the help of industry experts to identify accurate and meaningful categories of Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment.  All data and reports from the 2017 data collection pilot can be utilized by a school district to assist with its planning and budgeting process.  Based on user feedback received from the 2017 pilot initiative, we modified the 2018 MSBA Furniture and Equipment Data Collection Spreadsheet to reduce the collection of extraneous data which we expect will provide more helpful and accurate information for planning purposes and will enable us to better analyze the information for improved reporting.  Lastly, one school district resubmitted its FF&E data with changes, post-analysis, which is annotated in relevant 2017 FF&E reports.


FF+E Categories of Interest

2017 FF+E Categories of Interest These data categories & instructions were provided prior to submission.

FF+E Data Collection Spreadsheet

2017 FF+E Data Collection Spreadsheet This template was utilized by districts who completed data entry for the 2017 FF+E spreadsheet.

2017 FF+E School Datasets

*MSBA strives to improve transparency while not imposing additional requirements on districts. A majority of MSBA stakeholders indicated a willingness to complete the spreadsheet on a volunteer basis. As such, the product and cost data from each school has been generated by school district consultants.

FF+E Reports

2017 Story of A Building Seminar

This page was created to allow districts with the opportunity to revisit the information presented from the event, including other tips, strategies, and resources for School Furniture Planning, Selection and Procurement.